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Taylor Swift & Harry Styles ran into each in LA: dissect their body language!


All of the Swiftlunatics are in a tizzy about this, and for the life of me, I cannot understand why. Like, I romanticize Swifty’s relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal and I totally believe that Swifty had a “meltdown” when she saw him at a Globes party on Sunday, because she has a history of freaking out on Jake at industry parties. But Tay-Tay’s relationship with Harry Styles? I don’t know, I guess I don’t really care. I cared about them when they were together. I cared when he dumped her and she stalked him for a bit. But I actually believe that they’re on somewhat friendly terms these days. So maybe that’s why I’m not seeing the drama in this video. Swifty and a group of friends ran into Harry and some of his friends. Taylor barely acknowledged him?

This was in the lobby of the Sunset Marquis on Wednesday night. Here’s the thing: Swifty is such a bad actress, I totally understand her thought process here. She knows that Harry Styles, her ex-boyfriend, is there. She’s assessed his proximity, which is why she quickly puts her head down and acts like her phone is giving her life. Don’t look up. So focused on the phone. Don’t acknowledge him. Someone is tweeting something very important. Quick glance to see where he is, give him your best angle. These text messages are epic. SO important. Oh, hey, eye contact with my ex. No biggie. Look at friends. Glance back to phone. Glance back at him. And eye-flick that says “’Sup.” Walk away. Middle School Dramz!

That’s just my reading. Harry would have said a proper hello to her if she had done a little more to acknowledge his presence. But hey, we’ve all played that game before, haven’t we?

PS… Is Swifty wearing a Bump-It in these pics?



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
