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Prince Albert & Princess Charlene kiss for Monaco National Day: cute or gross?


Here are some (awkward) photos of Prince Albert and Princess Charlene today in Monaco, on the balcony of The Prince’s Palace (I guess?). They were celebrating Monaco National Day, and Albert and Charlene waved to the crowds and kissed in public. And it was kind of gross. Charlene has gotten very big! She’s super-knocked up. Like, I think she’s going to give birth in the next month. Word is that she’s due in December, but she’s expecting twins and don’t twins usually come early? I hope – again – that at least one of the babies is a boy. Even though the Monaco constitution has been changed, if she has two girls, there’s still going to be an expectation for her to provide a male heir.

I do have to give Charlene some credit in these photos – she looks more approving of Albert than we’ve ever seen. Usually she looks like she’s sick of him, but I’m actually getting a “loved up” vibe from her. Perhaps it’s just the hormones. Meanwhile, Albert doesn’t really look like the joyful expectant father. My take: he’s never really cared about fatherhood one way or the other.

I’m also including some photos of Princess Caroline, Sacha Casiraghi and Andrea Casiraghi and Andrea’s wife Tatiana Santo Domingo. Sacha is the blonde toddler in-between Andrea and Caroline. He’s only 19 months old and I think he was surprisingly well-behaved for this outing. Did you know Tatiana is knocked up again? They announced that a few weeks ago. I’m not sure if that’s why Tatiana has to stand so far apart from Andrea. Also: Andrea lost the hot in a big way. Good God.




Photos courtesy of WENN.
