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Law and Order set to spoof Britney and K-Fed

The premiere of Law and Order will feature a pop queen and her freeloading husband in a plot borrowed from Britney and K-Fed’s life.

For the U.S. season premiere of NBC`s ‘Law & Order,’ show execs are set to feature characters seemingly fashioned after pop icon Britney Spears and her husband.

The New York Post reported that the 17th season premiere of the popular crime drama that is set air on Sept. 22 features a wannabe rapper who marries a wealthy pop star with a reputation for her questionable mothering habits, both clearly patterned after Spears and her husband, Kevin Federline.

‘The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event,’ says every episode introduction of the NBC drama, yet the series has long had a reputation for drawing episode themes from real-life headlines.

What I want to know is: who gets killed and who did it? This could be some good television.

Meanwhile Britney has given birth in Cedars Sinai hospital in the same VIP room that Madonna, Jennifer Garner, and Kim Bassinger were set up in for their births. She had a little boy by cesearian section, and reportedly knew all along that she was having a boy, but purposefully bought little girl’s items while out shopping to fool the press. Maybe she even leaked the August 14th date to throw off photographers.

Now that’s sneaky and pretty clever for Britney. She deserves some credit for managing to keep her big day under wraps without taking over an entire nation.

Header picture of Sean Preston looking out the window at the hospital taken by X17 and found at
