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Is Jeff Bezos Vegan?

After announcing a $10 billion dollar investment in non-profits fighting climate change, many people are wondering if Jeff Bezos is vegan?

Jeff Bezos is not a vegan. Despite veganism being the diet of choice for many climate change activists, Jeff Bezos does not partake. He does, however, have some very strange eating habits, which seems to be a trend among the world’s top CEOs.

Below are some insights into the strange eating habits the CEO of Amazon indulges in.

Switching to a Healthy Diet

As the richest man in the world, a lot of people must be wondering what Bezos eats. After all, he has the money to eat whatever food he wants. He can afford to pay others to make sure he is living a healthy lifestyle and eating what is considered best. Like many CEO’s though, Bezos didn’t really think about what he was eating for a long time. He preferred to use his brain power for making important decisions, not on deciding what to eat. 

That all changed when his wife, MacKenzie Tuttle, got him to read the nutrition label. In a Summit Series interview with his brother Mark, Jeff recalls how he used to eat a whole can of Pillsbury Biscuits with butter for breakfast. He had never even read a nutrition label until his wife asked him to. After that he decided it was time to make some changes to his eating habits. He even acquired the healthy foods grocer, Whole Foods, in 2017.

You can watch the full Summit Series interview between Mark and Jeff Bezos by following the YouTube link below. 

His Morning Routine

Like so many others, Jeff Bezos is fond of his early morning routine. A big part of leading his healthy lifestyle is by waking up early and being in bed early, ensuring he gets eight hours of sleep. He also likes to make sure he spends the beginning of his day with his family, reading, and having breakfast together. However, this morning routine has surely changed since he and his wife split in 2019. 

Breakfast Octopus?

A food that is certainly not vegan would be octopus. It was reported that during a morning meeting with the founder of Woot, Bezos ordered a dish known as breakfast octopus off of the menu. While eating the dish, he spoke about how the company Woot was like the breakfast octopus, something he had never tried and didn’t understand so he had to have it.

The restaurant where all of this took place, Lola, is still open in Seattle. If interested you can visit Lola and try the breakfast octopus yourself. Just like this journalist from Business Insider, who tried to get a better understanding of Bezos’ inner mind by eating the infamous breakfast octopus.

Trying Iguana

Bezos’ eccentric taste does not end at octopus either. He has eaten some foods that would surely have any vegans squirming at the thought of eating. At the 2018 Explorers Club annual meeting, Bezos took part in eating exotic animals. On the menu were crickets, python, tarantulas, cockroaches, grubs, and, yes, iguana. 

The Explorers Club is known for having a menu that would make a lot of people squirm. The menu is used to bring awareness to the damage caused by invasive species. It is an attempt to create a new food market to help with the issues and harm invasive species tend to cause. The iguana that Bezos enjoyed was an invasive species known as the green iguana. The green iguana is running unchecked in Puerto Rico and Southern Florida, causing all sorts of damage in these areas.

While at the event, Bezos was photographed eating a piece of iguana. In the picture, he is shoving a piece of the iguana into his mouth while the full body of a roasted iguana sat atop a decorative plate.

It is pretty evident through his adventurous tastes that Jeff Bezos is not a vegan. Although he has donated billions of dollars to climate change and owns a health conscious grocer, he does not ascribe to the diet.
