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Gerard Butler claims he became a monk while traveling through Thailand

Here are some assorted photos of Gerard Butler (and Aaron Eckhart) promoting Olympus Has Fallen in Russia (last week) and London (this week). Gerard not only stars in the film – about terrorists capturing the White House and the President – but he’s also a producer, which explains why he’s been front-and-center for all of the promotion. Still, it would have been nice to see him get a major magazine cover, right? For all of his faults and Porto-potty bangin’, Gerard is a good interview and a half-way interesting dude. During a Q&A session in London two nights ago, Gerry talked about how he needed to decompress after the grueling film schedule for Olympus:

Actor Gerard Butler says he felt so stressed out after filming new movie `Olympus Has Fallen` he stepped out of the spotlight and embarked on a round-the-world trip. The 43-year-old Scottish actor said that the pressure of producing and acting in the action-thriller got too much for him at times, and he felt overwhelmed, reported Daily Star.

“I have to tell you that sometimes, when you are producing and you feel that weight, it`s tough. A couple of people were reminding me while we were in the middle of making it of how crazy I got. They would tell me about how insane I got and things I was saying. I would go, `Oh yeah, so I did`,” he said.

“I`ve been making Olympus for a long time, so I thought it was time for a break. I decided to travel. In the past six or seven weeks, I have been to Scotland, England, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand, Mexico, Columbia – all for different reasons. But, mostly for travelling, just going to places and seeing friends… But, the real highlight for me was in Thailand, becoming a monk. I was hiding out in temples a lot,” Butler said.

[From Zee News]

He became a monk? Is that like an honorary thing? Because Gerard is NO MONK. Still, I’m sure he enjoyed his travels – it must have been like his International Tour of Strange. Gerard loves international booty calls. He must have ladies in every country. Except for maybe Thailand, which is why he became a “monk”.

As for Olympus Has Fallen – it got pretty crappy reviews (Rotten Tomatoes has it at 47%) but it’s making money. And Gerard’s career keeps limping along. Sigh… remember when he was supposed to be the next big thing? What happened? I actually have a theory! I think Hollywood didn’t know what to do with Gerard’s accent, and God knows, he’s incapable of doing any other accent besides Scottish. Only being able to play Scottish characters realistically has really hampered his career. Plus, you know… he’s not that great of an actor. Not that it stops other, more successful actors, I guess.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
