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New Amsterdam Finale Recap 06/08/21: Season 3 Episode 14 Death Begins in Radiology

New Amsterdam Finale Recap 06/08/21: Season 3 Episode 14 "Death Begins in Radiology"

Tonight on NBC New Amsterdam airs with an all-new Tuesday, June 8, 2021, season 3 episode 14 called, “Death Begins in Radiology,” and we have your New Amsterdam recap below. On tonight’s New Amsterdam season 3 episode 13 as per the NBC synopsis, “Reynolds receives a dramatic offer.

Max scours the hospital after he misplaces his wedding ring. Iggy contemplates a serious life change. Bloom learns some potentially life-changing news about Leyla.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our New Amsterdam recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our New Amsterdam news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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The episode begins with Max saying to himself that he needs to be with his wife in all the ways he has been dreaming of. He goes for an MRI and it is clear. Max goes to get his belongings and notices that his wedding ring is missing.

We see Helen, she is in a clothing store and listening to Max’s message, she smiles. Helen calls Max, she tells him that she very much enjoyed his message, her flight is tomorrow and she has been doing some fantasizing of her own. Helen is with Mina, she tells her that she is leaving, she knows that she is going to be ok now. Helen puts Mina in a cab, she heads to a restaurant where she finds her mother. She tells her mother about Mina and tells her that she is family.

She asks her mother if she will be Mina’s emergency contact because she is in London as well, she says no. Helen pleads her case, her mother won’t listen. Her mother starts coughing, she coughs up blood. Helen takes her mother to a clinic, but they are booked solid. Helen says she used to volunteer there, this is where she found her passion and she needs to have her mom seen. The girl behind the desk agrees to move things around, she finds a place for Helen’s mother.

While in the waiting room, Elena sees Helen who says her mom is sick and she is being seen. Helen asks her what happen to the place, Elena says they lost funding with Brexit. The doctor calls Helen into the room with her mother, he tells that her that he wants to tell her what they found today.

At Bellevue hospital, Max tells Lauren that he lost his wedding ring, he knows it is silly, but it means something to him. He never takes it off and doesn’t know how he lost it.

A young girl comes into the ER with an Excalibur in her stomach, cosplay has gone wrong. The puncture is bad and shouldn’t cause the girl to lose consciousness. Floyd walks in and Lauren tells him that he has a case for him, her organs are flipped.

Leyla comes into the hospital, she sees Lauren and tells her that she got a residency, in Spokane, Washington; she hasn’t even told her mom yet. Leyla is upset, her recommendation for Leyla at Bellevue didn’t go through. She goes in to see Hank and tells him off, he says he cannot rescind an offer that has already been made, he can’t create a residency.

He tells her that the Dean of Medicine is willing to make allowances for the right price, that is what he heard. Lauren says she could lose her medical license, she won’t do it. Lauren is furious, she goes into a supply room and trashes it, then she breaks down crying.

Lauren is home with Leyla and congratulates her on her accomplishment. Leyla says she is not excited to leave her, she can make this work, she doesn’t have a choice, she is in love with her. Leyla’s phone rings, she takes the call, she finds out that the residency director at New Amsterdam just opened up a new spot, and they offered it to her. Lauren says that is amazing. Leyla asks if she had anything to do with this, she says no, it was all her.

Floyd is on the way to the operating room with the young girl who has the Excalibur inside her when the patient is taken away from him, the chief of surgeon takes her in, Floyd joins.

Floyd sees Max looking through laundry hampers, he tells Floyd he has looked everywhere. Floyd tries to tell him that the ring is not about love, it is about guilt.

Floyd gets offered a promotion, Deputy Chair of Surgery; it’s a big promotion. All of a sudden, Dr. Lyn Malvo comes into the room, she is the doctor’s husband who Floyd was just given a promotion from and he will be his right-hand man.

Iggy is on a road trip in a motorhome, with Martin and the kids. They stop in a wooded area, Martin says he can’t keep running, they have to get back to their lives. All of a sudden, they hear the kids screaming. One has a splinter. Iggy has victory, he gets it out. Then, they notice that Samaira is missing. Everyone is calling out for her.

Iggy notices a piece of her clothing, it is in a lower clearing near the water. He keeps looking for her and finds her sitting on the beach near the water. She wouldn’t answer him, she says she doesn’t want to go back, back to normal. She says she likes online learning better. She would rather be with him. Later, Iggy promises Martin, they can go back, no more running. But, he is not going to see patients anymore, he is done with that life.

Max is struggling, he wants to move on, but he didn’t make this choice and finds it very difficult. The ring was all he had left of his whole life. Max’s ring was found by his assistant, in the pocket of his lab coat. Helen is back, Max almost bumps into her and tells her that he is glad that she is back. He tells her about being freaked out when he lost his ring. She tells him that his mother has severe bronchitis. He asks her to walk with him.

She tells him that she is a little bit talked out, maybe too much was said already. He asks her again, he says they don’t need to talk, he just wants to walk with her, she nods yes. He walks her home, says good night, but you know he wants to be invited in but she doesn’t. Max walks, he takes off his ring, then he runs back to Helen’s house. He knocks on the door, he goes inside and he kisses her, she closes the door.

