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Loni Anderson, 76, Looks Half Her Age on Red Carpet Celebwell

Loni Anderson refuses to age! The 76-year-old, who skyrocketed to fame in the 1970s on the hit show WKRP in Chicago, hit the red carpet of "Dear Bob: Bob Hope's Wartime Correspondence with the G.I.s of World War II" in Los Angeles on Thursday night, wowing the crowd with her forever young looks. How does the actress manage to look half her age? Read on to see 6 ways approaches health, wellness, and her sex symbol status and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!

Loni was late to the fitness game. "I didn't get into a regular exercise routine until my late 30s," she confessed to Parade. "I could eat donuts and malted milk balls and didn't gain a pound because genetics was on my side. I was an unfit skinny person. Now I do cardio three times a week, and also weight training, plus I walk a lot—I don't run because of a back injury. I lifted a rock and ruptured a disk in the past."

Loni focuses on eating clean, whole foods. "I'm eating a version of the Mediterranean and Paleo Diets," she explained to Parade. "I don't eat red meat any longer, but do eat some chicken and fish, lots of fruits and vegetables, and nothing in a can or a box." 

Loni allows herself a cheat meal every once and awhile, and nothing is off limits! "I don't say, 'I won't eat THAT because I never say never,'" she told Parade. "I might eat a candy bar." 

Loni stays away from the hard stuff. "I don't drink alcohol—occasionally a glass of champagne," she revealed to Parade. 

"I never thought I would be Loni Anderson, sex symbol. But I embrace it," she told Fox News. "I think I was lucky enough to have been able to play so many different things and sex symbol was a part of it. I took whatever my career threw at me. So I embrace it. And my granddaughters think it's a hoot!"

Loni has one piece of wisdom when it comes to life: "Don't keep looking forward to what's coming, enjoy the climb," she told Fox News. "There's nothing more wonderful than the climb, you know? The looking forward to each day and creating something new, getting that job, going on an audition, putting yourself out there – that's all great. But you can't forget to enjoy the climb. I guess that's the best thing you could do when it comes to your life. Don't forget to enjoy the day while you're looking forward to what's going to happen next week."
