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Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders Recap 5/4/16: Season 1 Episode 9 The Matchmaker

Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders Recap 5/4/16: Season 1 Episode 9 "The Matchmaker"

Tonight on CBS Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders continues with an all new Wednesday May 4, season 1 episode 9 called “The Matchmaker,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, an American girl runs away to meet her boyfriend in Turkey

On the last episode, when a woman vacationing in Mexico with her family was the victim of foul play, the International Response Team investigated her husband as the prime suspect when he fled. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “an American girl runs away to meet her boyfriend in Turkey, but the team believes she is in trouble when they deduce she was tricked by someone posing as her boyfriend.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going it going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders at 10:00 PM EST!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of Criminal Minds Beyond Borders kicks off with a 16 year old girl named Emma Peters arriving in Turkey. She calls her parents and leaves them a message on the answering machine telling them that she is fine and she will explain everything later. While she is leaving the message she knocks on the door of an apartment and someone grabs her and the call goes dead. The last thing on the recorded message is Emma screaming.

Montgomery briefs Garrett and his team on the case. Apparently, Emma’s parents thought she was at school – instead she stole their credit cards and bought a plan ticket to Turkey. Emma was a straight A student, and she never acted out before. Emma’s parents are certain that her trip has something to o with an exchange student named Emir from Turkey. Emma fell hard for him, but he was arrested for assault and sent back to Turkey.

Meanwhile, Emma is tied up and being held in a strange room in Turkey. A man comes in, and he is most definitely not Emir. She begs him not to hurt her. Her kidnapper says calmly, “We’ve been waiting for you.”
Garrett and his team arrive in Turkey. They meet their attache, a Turkish lawyer named Dayl Hannah. Apparently, Garrett and Dayl used to be roommates back at FBI school. They decide to get started by paying Emir a visit at his last known address.

Meanwhile back in the States, Montgomery is meeting with Emma’s parents Glenn and Stephanie. They explain that they wouldn’t let Emma see Emir or speak to him since he got in trouble for beating up another kid at school. They don’t even think Emma was talking to Emir online – they were monitoring her internet usage. Montgomery takes Emma’s laptop anyways.

Emma’s kidnapper introduces himself as Abu Hakim. He says that Emir has been waiting to see her, but he has to make sure that she is trustworthy. Abu goes on and on about how “special” Emir is. Emma cries that she cares about Emir and would never hurt him.

Monty cracks the passwords on Emma’s computer, and he calls and updates Garrett. Emma never actually talked to Emir, she talked to someone online claiming to be Emir’s friend named Hanim – he is the one that told her to come to Turkey and promised to help her meet up with Emir.

Garrett and his team track down Emir. He swears he had no idea that Emma was coming – and he doesn’t know anyone named Hanim. Emir explains to Garrett and Seger that the assault charge he got in the US was because a kid was picking on her at school for dating Emir – he was defending her honor.

Simmons and Jarvis get to work on the background noise on the voicemail that Emma left on her parents’ answering machine. Combined with the last ping from Emma’s cell phone they are able to narrow down what apartment building she went in to. A man inside the building spots the FBI agents and makes a run for it – Jarvis chases him down and tackles him.

They search the apartment and confirm Emma was there – they find her cracked cell phone case. The man Jarvis tackled is named Marco, he’s knows for smuggling weapons and women. Their attache Dayl says that Marco is a terrorist, and an extremist.

Abu Hakim, the man holding Emma, barges in to the room and shouts at her that she betrayed Emir by having the police show up at Marco’s apartment. He has two women come in to the room and start undressing Emma. They dress her in traditional Islamic clothes – then a woman named Marion arrives. She says that she is friends with Emir and Hanim, and they can’t let Emma meet him until they are sure that she is loyal.

Garrett gets bad news – they found a dead American girl in Istanbul that matched Emma Peters’ description, down to the same color hair. They check out the body, and can confirm that it is not Emma. Jarvis is going to perform the autopsy and try to get an ID. The Jane Doe is actually an 18 year old named Julie Allen. She was looking for love online too and that’s why she wound up in Turkey. Garrett thinks that the terrorist group that Marco is a part of is trying to recruit American girls to fight for their cause.

Marion explains that Emir’s family is forcing him to get married. And, Emir has chosen Emma to be his bride. Clueless Emma is thrilled by the idea of marrying Emir, and agrees to let Emma get her ready for the wedding.

Garrett and his team analyze the emails that Julie and Emma received. They put together a profile and come to th conclusion that the person emailing them is a British woman in her 40’s. Montgomery searches that criteria in Istanbul and comes up with one woman linked to terrorism there – Marion Codwell. She’s a wealthy and successful business woman – and she also has 10 years as a member of MI6 under her belt.

Meanwhile, Emma is ready to marry Emir – but Marion has bad news. She tells Emma that the Americans have murdered Emir, she lies and says there was a bounty on his head for fighting the kid that was bullying her in school. Emma is devastated and begins sobbing, Marion comforts her and promises to help her make it right.

Seger puts on a wire and heads to Marion’s office to pay her a visit. Seger confronts Marion about emailing Julie and Emma. Marion confirms she sent them, but says that she was just “role playing” and they were looking for love in all of the wrong places. Marion reminds Seger that she didn’t break any laws by role-playing online. Marion starts ranting about the US, and quotes a speech that was given by known terrorist Abu Hakim.

Seger heads back to their headquarters – they really have nothing to go on, and Marion is not cooperating. Garrett thinks that Marion and Abu Hakim recruited Emma to carry out a terrorist attack in America.

Meanwhile, Abu is still brainwashing Emma, he shows her a video of an Islamic school, a wedding, and a temple that were all attacked by Americans.

Garrett and Dayl think that they know where Emma is going to be sent with a bomb. American Ambassador Wilson is signing a peace treaty in Turkey later that afternoon, and the treaty is to stop terrorists like Abu Hakim. Plus, Abu Hakim blames Wilson for killing his brother. It’s an obvious target.

Emma is distraught over Emir’s death and feels like she has no home to return to. She tells Abu Hakim and Marion that she wants to help them carry out Emir’s work against America. They give her a purse with a bomb in it and tell her she has to get within 10 feet of the Ambassador before she detonates it, and then she can be with Emir in eternity.

Jack finds Emma at the treaty and tries to intercept her – he tries to tell her that Emir is alive, but Emma thinks that she is lying. He calls Emir on his cell phone and Emir begs Emma not to set off the bomb. Emma still thinks that it is a trick – but then Emir arrives and runs towards her. A sniper fires at Emma, but Emir dived in front of the bullet and saved her life. Emma thinks Emir is dead – but it turns out that he was wearing a bullet proof vest.

Emma lead the FBI back to the place where Abu Hakim and Marion were holding her and they were both arrested and charged for the attempted bombing. Emma headed back home to the US and was reunited with her family, and Emir’s heroics even scored him another student visa to America.

